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Van den Bosch


The issue

The family business Van den Bosch is a leading international logistics service provider in the food and chemical sector. With an annual volume of 2.7 million tons of transported product, it is one of the top ten bulk transports in Europe. Van den Bosch is on a mission to bring more quality and efficiency to the logistics world by creating a data-driven supply chain. Their challenge was: how do we gain an economically sound insight into all our containers and trailers in the field?


Our solution

First of all, we looked at where the ROI at Van den Bosch is. We then mapped out how the equipment is being used in the organization and what the wishes are with regard to new software and hardware.


The user stories showed that Van den Bosch wanted insight into the location determination, routes traveled, sealing of the cargo and contents of the containers. With this information, value is created for Van den Bosch users.


We installed two different types of hardware in the field for Van den Bosch:


1) We placed the innovative S2 series on the tank containers. These boxes use solar energy to power external sensors.


2) We placed the robust, shock-resistant G series in the trailer chassis. This measures the occupancy rate. In addition, Van den Bosch will receive an accurate location determination of all trailers.



With the hardware in the field, Van den Bosch has achieved a good ROI and has strengthened their market position.

  • Company data is collected 24/7

  • Relevant information is stored, analyzed and clearly displayed in Van den Bosch’s existing software systems

  • Due to the accelerated and accurate information flow, they don’t just give better customer service, but the operational costs are also significantly lower.

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“The strength of Xeelas lies in the adaptability of the hardware platform. This enables them to deliver unique functionality with their product – giving us an absolute competitive advantage and more value for our customers.”

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Pirke van den Elzen

Chief Digital Officer, VDB

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